Service Changes

Service Change Summary and Schedule

On January 16, 2022, changes occured to many schedules in the system. All schedules have been updated.

Spokane Transit schedules service changes three times a year in order to keep the region’s transit system as convenient, accessible and efficient as possible.

A summary of the changes and links to the revised schedules are provided below.

Service changes effective January 16, 2022:

4 Monroe-Regal: Weekday afternoon trip beginning 2:38 pm at Monroe & Montgomery shifted later to begin at 3:03 pm

11 Plaza/Arena Shuttle: Route end-of-line switched to Howard St & Gardner Ave; Schedule adjustments

25 Division: Weekday inbound schedule adjustments

62 Medical Lake: Weekday schedule adjustments; New West Plains Transit Center trip connecting to Route 6 trip departing the Plaza at 5:35 pm

63 Airway Heights/West Plains: New weeknight outbound trip connecting to Route 6 trip departing Plaza at 11:22 pm

68 Cheney Loop: Weekday schedule adjustments

74 Mirabeau/Liberty Lake: Inbound timepoint adjustments

90 Sprague: New 3:31 pm weekday inbound trip from Sprague & Freya

94 East Central/Millwood: Modify outbound routing near Liberty Park in the East Central neighborhood

172 Liberty Lake Express: Inbound schedule adjustments

173 VTC Express: Schedule adjustments; New mid-day inbound trip

190 Valley Express: Schedule adjustments; New late morning outbound trip

633 Geiger Shuttle: Weekday schedule adjustments