Where to Buy
Customer Service at The Plaza
- 2-Hour Passes (Adult, Youth and Reduced Fare; sold in batches of ten)
- Day Passes
- Paratransit One Ride Passes
- 7-Day Pass
- 31-Day Passes (Adult, Youth and Reduced Fare)
- Monthly Paratransit Passes
- Monthly Shuttle Park (Formerly City Ticket) Passes
- Monthly Student Passes
- Smart Card set up and reloading
Customer Service Center
(Passes, IDs, lost & found)
The Plaza, First Floor
701 West Riverside Avenue
Spokane, WA 99201
(509) 328-RIDE (328-7433)
Call Center
Monday-Saturday: 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Sunday & Holidays: 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Front Counter
Monday-Friday: 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Saturday: Noon to 5:00 p.m.
Sunday & Holidays: Closed
Retail Outlets
7-Day Passes and 31-Day Passes (Adult, Youth and Reduced Fare)
STA Online Store
- 2-Hour Passes (Adult, Youth and Reduced Fare; sold in batches of ten)
- Day Passes (Sold in batches of five)
- Paratransit One Ride Passes (Sold in batches of ten)
- 7-Day Pass
- 31-Day Passes (Adult, Youth and Reduced Fare)
- Monthly Paratransit Passes
- Monthly Shuttle Park (Formerly City Ticket) Passes
If it isn’t convenient to purchase your passes another way, just call (509) 328-RIDE (7433) and request a Pass-By-Mail envelope. Complete the information on the Pass-By-Mail order form, enclose the appropriate amount in a check or money order and you will be mailed your pass. When we receive your request by the 15th of the month, you’ll have your pass by the first of the following month. We’ll also enclose a new Pass-By-Mail envelope for your next order.
- 2-Hour Passes (Adult, Youth and Reduced Fare; sold in batches of ten)
- Day Passes (Sold in batches of five)
- Paratransit One Ride Passes (Sold in batches of ten)
- 7-Day Pass
- 31-Day Passes (Adult, Youth and Reduced Fare)
- Monthly Paratransit Passes
- Monthly Shuttle Park (Formerly City Ticket) Passes
On the Bus
- 2-Hour Passes (Adult, Youth and Reduced Fare)
- Day Passes